In Klassen We Trust: Show 18 – Happy Klassen Day!


My Brothers, my Sisters! Welcome to another episode of In Klassen We Trust: The White Power Hour with Rev. Matt Hale. I am very pleased to be with you on this grand special occasion. For those of you who are well steeped in Creativity, who are well steeped in the holidays of our great church, well steeped in the dates that are important to Creators around the world – or should be important to Creators around the world – you well recognize already what date this is.

This the 20th of february is the birthdate of our great founder, our great leader Ben Klassen. The man who gave us the tools by which we can save our people’s future, a man who gave us Creativity, our White Racial Religion, so that your people may survive and thrive for the next million years. On this date, this date 82 years ago, our great founder Ben Klassen was born. Born in the midst of incredible crisis, incredible struggle. He was born in the middle in fact of the Bolsjevik revolution. A revolution brought about by Jewish parasites, with such terrible consequences for the world. He was born in the middle of it. He was born in a time when there was a struggle for power between the White army and the Red army. Battling forces upon which the future, certainly of Russia if not the whole world, would depend.

We are of course very happy, very lucky that Ben Klassen’s family lived through that revolution, succeeded in escaping Russia with their lives, with the little one – Ben Klassen – who was brought to this country, brought first to Mexico, then do Canada, his family lived in Canada and then he immigrated to the United States in his adult years, in his 20s, and built Creativity, and founded our World Church of The Creator. We of course as Creators must remember and hold holy this date. One of the two most important dates for our great church. Tomorrow february 21st is the second great date that we celebrate, Founding Date. It was on the February 21st of 1973 that our church was founded.

Now on a personal note, and I’ll talk about this shortly, I will be reading a couple passages from Ben Klassen’s autobiography ”Against The Evil Tide”. But I want to note personally that I find it almost destiny in some ways that Ben Klassen began writing Nature’s Eternal Religion, which was the book that founded our church, the book that gave White people for the first time in 6000 years of recorded history a religion of its own. He began writing this book in the same year of my birth. I’ve always considered that destiny in a sense, that he would do so, for it is my resolution, it is my quest, it is my mission on this planet, to fulfill every paragraph, to fulfill every period of what Ben Klassen set forth in his great writings. It is my resolution to lead you, my brother and sister to worldwide White victory. Firmly in accordance with the teachings of our great leader Ben Klassen.

But let me go ahead and talk a little more about Against The Evil Tide. I’m going to focus somewhat on this weeks episode of In Klassen We Trust on this book. And I would encourage you, right now, this evening, right after you listen to this radio show. I almost said television show because we have a television show as well, but after you’ve listened to this radio show, I want you to get your copy of this book. I want you to read this book for yourself. I want you to read all the books of Creativity, and not just listen to me speak about them, though I’m happy that you are doing that. I want you to read, I believe that Ben Klassen deserves your attention. I believe that Ben Klassen deserve you to read what he wrote – for you! For decades, he slaved away, at writing – for you! And writing a creed, a value system, a religion, by which we as White people can survive. Ben Klassen recognized that Christianity is a Jewish religion. And in fact a religion whose very purpose is to destroy our White people, a religion that is meant to confuse, defuse, and abuse White people as I like to say. Well, he realized, Ben Klassen realized, that we had to do was create a religion to debunk Christianity, a religion to spit in the eye of this Jewish concept, and give White people instead a powerful White Racial Religion of their own–Creativity. He succeeded, he gave us this religion, and it’s our task now, and especially my task, to carry this torch forward, to carry it forward, to subvert and surmount our enemies, and create a land by which our birthright is secured. Now, my brothers and sisters, let me read first the prologue of Against The Evil Tide, an autobiography by Ben Klassen.


All my life, from the day I was born to the present, it seems that, stubbornly and against overwhelming odds, I have been bucking the current tide of history. In one way or another, consciously or subconsciously, my entire life has been dedicated towards fighting against those evil and powerful forces that now hold the world in their tyrannical grip. I have been waging war against these evil forces intermittently and spasmodically perhaps, in the beginning not even recognizing what those malignant destroyers were doing, or who the real evildoers were. But my struggle has been persistent and tenacious. Furthermore, as time went on, the picture became more clearly focused, the tyrannical destroyers more specifically identified, and the complex solution to the puzzle more nearly solved.

But my struggle was, and is, not only one of doing battle AGAINST the evil tide. There Is also a very POSITIVE side to this picture, and that is what I am and have been fighting FOR. The answer to that is clearly delineated in the several books I have written and can be summed up in a few words – namely, the SURVIVAL, EXPANSION AND ADVANCEMENT OF THE WHITE RACE. In our racial religion, CREATIVITY, I strongly believe, we have the Total Program, the Final Solution, the Ultimate Creed.

* * * * *

This is the true story of a Mennonite boy who was born in the midst of the Communist revolution in the Russian Ukraine. At nine months, while the Red and the White armies were waging civil war In his native village of Rudnerweide, he suffered a severe siege of typhoid fever and nearly died. Nevertheless, he survived the disease, he survived the anarchy and terror of revolution and the two years of famine that followed. When he was six, he and his family fled Russia to try to start life anew in the wide-open wilds of the Mexico ranch country. Shortly thereafter they moved to the wheat farming country of Saskatchewan, Canada, where he grew to adulthood. In 1945 he moved to the United States, where after a long and checkered career, he finally found his life’s purpose structuring and establishing a racial religion for the survival, expansion and advancement of his own racial kinsman Nature s Finest.

I was that boy. After seven decades I can say that it has been a long and circuitous Odyssey, and I thank Fate that she has allotted me sufficient time to reflect on the ensuing course of events that permitted me to finally consummate the paramount mission of my life, and propel it into perpetuity.

* * * * *

By any yardstick, the White Race is the most creative, productive and intelligent creature Mother Nature has produced In the 2.3 billion years that it is claimed lift has existed on this planet Earth. Strangely, however Nature’s Finest in the last half century has become a highly endangered species, whose demise and extinction is at most only a few generations away. This is almost a certainty unless this unique species drastically changes course, and does so promptly and most forcefully. What the White Race has direly needed in the last 6,000 years of its civilization is a racial religion of its own a racial religion whose overriding fervor was, and constantly remained, the survival, expansion and advancement of its own kind. This is not a novel idea Nature has Implanted this Innate drive In every other creature alive, but strangely, in its long and tumultuous history, the White Race has never fully grasped this idea While eagerly pursuing the advancement of science and high technology, at the same time It has stupidly and tragically utilized its vastly superior endowments to kill, decimate and destroy its own kind.

Now the White Race has a racial religion of its own and we call it CREATIVITY. I have faith that It will provide the spark that will kindle the conflagration of a vast worldwide movement of religious fervor – the first real constructive revolution in history to really accrue to the benefit of the human race. If enough of my fellow kinsmen will grasp that realization, the redemption and salvation of Nature’s Finest will be assured. For this I have labored and it is my fervent hope and prayer that it will come to pass in this next generation.

As the founder of a new religion, I feel an obligation not only to my White Racial Comrades but also to posterity – and even to my enemies – to permanently set down the events of my life, detailing my origins, my thoughts and my objectives. I believe that having come this far it might perhaps be incumbent for the future that I do so.

I say perhaps. There are two ways of looking at It – two possibilities. If the White Race falls to rise up and accept the challenge and if the Jewish pestilence succeeds in their age-old frenzy of mongrelizing and/or exterminating the White Race from the face of this Planet Earth, then all my writings and my other efforts and sacrifices will be in vain. Creativity and its whole network of ideas will be flushed down the memory hole of history. In such case, it will matter little as to what I did or what I wrote. In fact, as far as I am concerned, nothing will really matter anymore, should the White Race be destroyed.

If, on the other hand, the White Race rises up in wrathful vengeance, mobilizes its awesome power, and smashes the Jewish tyranny into oblivion, then I feel certain that Creativity will have played a major part in giving inspiration, goal and direction in freeing the White Race from the tentacles of Jewish tyranny. When that comes to pass then there will be a major demand for endless details regarding Creativity’s early beginnings, as well as the life of the Founder, and many details will be such that only I would have knowledge of them and they would be a vital source of basic Information. Fortunately, fate has spared me the time that I may write my memoirs without any undue pressure from either financial worries or from political duress. Unfortunately, too many of our racial warriors who have contributed significantly to the cause have been denied this opportunity, and the only source material (highly fabricated) about them comes from the lips and pens of our racial enemies – traitors and Jews. As a result, our racial fighters have been slandered, calumnied and lied about before and after their death with little authoritative refutation from the White racial side. Adolf Hitler is a prime example of such distortions and calumnies, but there are any number of others.

Every person born is a composite of their cultural heritage and the genetic inheritance of their ancestors. Of all these factors, genes are of major importance, and this is something only our ancestors can hand down to us. The innate character of each individual is then further shaped and molded for better or for worse by the multitude of events that swirl about them during the tenure of their life. Some are crushed by events, while others overcome events and remain masters of their own destiny. In any event, all are the sum total of their heritage, whether it be cultural, genetic, or any one of a number of other variables.

Heritage is an important word to me. Although I personally never joined the Mennonite Church (I will explain this later), nevertheless, I am extremely proud of my ancestors and my Mennonite heritage. Both have been most generous, and I am thankful. All of us owe everything we are to our ancestors – our culture, our civilization, our very genes and life itself. But it does not end there with merely a thank you note. We have a grave responsibility, yes, a sacred obligation to carry that precious heritage on to future generations, and in so doing not only preserve and expand that which is best, but also to strive to upgrade those genetic qualities to ever higher levels as we bequeath our genes and heritage to each succeeding generation.

That is just the beginning. That’s the prologue, as well as the first paragraph of the first chapter of Against The Evil Tide, the autobiography of Ben Klassen. I wish as this time to read milestone… I believe it is 48… in which he talks about the founding of our great church. Actually it’s milestone 49:


The idea of a comprehensive, fully structured racial religion for our people now fully preoccupied my thinking. For reasons that baffle me unto this day, the White Race had never had a meaningful racial religion of its own. To try to find out why at every turn in our struggle for racial Identity Christianity seemed to block our way, I took a new, hard look at this Jewish religion adopted by our people. There had to be something in it, I surmised, that I must have missed. Having had it drilled in to me at Sunday school, and having listened to an endless number of boring sermons in church, I was fairly well-informed about the contents of the bible. True, when I was seventeen, I had taken Ancient History One in college, and studied other civilizations and their religions, I had come to the obvious conclusion that Christianity was just another religion among thousands, religions that had come and gone, and was now one amongst the debris of thousands of others that were still around.

However, although I didn’t believe in such superstitious claptrap, I wasn’t hostile to Christianity as such. Like most people, I accepted that some of its moral values probably had merit, but much of it was nothing more than silly hocus-pocus. Nor did I give much thought to its Jewish origins, and I had no reason to doubt the claim that such a character as Jesus Christ once lived. Like Mohammed and others, I took it for granted that Christ had been some religious fanatic who went around the countryside preaching his wild claims. For some strange reason that I couldn’t understand, his stuff had caught on, was then later promoted and exploited by his successors into a powerful movement, I assumed.

Be that as it may, at this particular time my curiosity was aroused as to WHY Christianity was blocking our every turn. I decided to re-read the New Testament and take a closer look to find out just what it was that I had missed. It didn’t take me very long to get my answer. Within 1 minutes, I came to Matthew 5, 6 and 7, and the Sermon on the Mount. To my amazement I read, ”Love your enemies.” ”Sell all thou hast and give it to the poor.” ”Turn the other cheek.” ”Blessed are the meek.” I had read and heard it a hundred times before, but this time I knew what I was looking for and I realized the treachery of the booby-trap that was open before my eyes. This is crazy! This is the kind of suicidal advice you would give your worst enemies if you wanted them to destroy themselves, I thought. Why hadn’t I realized that before? How could I have missed the poison in this seemingly benign teaching? And this was the crux of our innermost ”faith”? How stupid can you get? How come no one else had pointed this atrocity out to me?

I had now put my finger on the crux of the problem. It now opened the door to a whole plethora of new questions and answers. Christianity was deliberately designed to enslave and destroy the White Race! Who had written all this balderdash? Why, the Jews! All the Apostles were Jewish. St. Paul, the most prominent writer of all was really Saul of Tarsus, another Jew. Christ himself was a Jew, the bible claimed.

I studied further. I read up on Christ in my encyclopedia. To my amazement, the encyclopedia flatly acknowledged that regarding the ”historicity” of Christ there was no historic evidence that he ever existed, in fact, all the information we had about him came from only one source, the Scriptures. Wow! That was another major discovery as far as I was concerned. The whole story was a fable, like Mother Goose and Santa Claus. And who wrote this whole shoddy mess? A passel of Jewish scribblers, whose identity is unknown and unverified. Undoubtedly, they were cunning, deceitful and characteristically Jewish, but scientifically these desert tribesmen who wrote the Old Testament as well as the New, were so ignorant they did not even know the earth was round, nor that it traveled in an orbit about the sun.

After these major breakthroughs, more information came flooding in, and the pieces to the puzzle began to fit nicely into an orderly mosaic. I further read Marcus Eli Ravage’s piece, ”A Real Case Against The Jews”, written in 1928. In his article, this audacious Jew openly bragged how cleverly the cunning Jew, Saul of Tarsus, nearly nineteen hundred years ago had conspired a means to torpedo the great Roman Empire by feeding it a self-destructive new religion, namely Christianity. He further chortled how brilliantly it had been conceived and executed. It had succeeded beyond their fondest dreams, he said. He further gloated that by means of Christianity they, the Jews, had conquered us goyim as no people in history had ever been conquered before. ”We have put a clog on your progress. We have imposed upon you an alien book and an alien faith which you cannot swallow and cannot digest, which is at cross-purposes with your native spirit, which keeps you everlastingly ill at ease, and which you lack the spirit to either reject or accept in full. ”

I further studied the peculiar characteristics of the Judaic religion itself, and that too, was revealing. The Jews do not really believe in, or care about, the hereafter. I found that their religion was basically a tightly organized criminal conspiracy, deliberately tailored to fit their parasitic way of life. It was designed to unify the Jews in an unending war of plunder against the goyim, their term for cattle, but meaning us Gentiles. Their basic goal is now, and has been for the last four thousand years, to enslave the goyim, to exploit them for their own gain, and to usurp unto themselves all the gold, real estate and wealth of the world.

To my horror, I discovered that not only was such their objective, but they had already come a long way towards achieving that sinister goal. But the most treacherous and deadly essence of that program was their obsession for the mongrelization and genocide of the White Race, whom they regard as their most hated enemy. In this, too, they were making rapid and astounding progress, I discovered, much to my alarm.

Why would they want to mongrelize and destroy the White Race? Because, they reasoned ruthlessly, and correctly so, that as long as an intelligent White Race remained, their foul conspiracy could at any time blow up in their face. The White people of the world might discover their foul conspiracy, as did Hitler in Germany, organize and turn on the Jews. They, the Jews, are now sitting on a powder keg, and they know it. Therefore, it behooves them to mongrelize and destroy the White Race as quickly as possible. Once the world population is reduced to a mass of stupid brown mongrels, they are home safe, the Jews conclude. These zombie slaves will then be too stupid to ever organize, or revolt and shake off their slave masters, but will make nice, docile work animals.

I felt I had made as much of a major break-through as if I had discovered a new world. Yes, indeed, what the White Race now needed was a powerful new dynamic RACIAL RELIGION of its own. If a scurvy racial religion such as Judaism could propel a measly, parasitic race such as the Jews into world domination, just imagine what a well conceived; fully structured racial religion could do for the intelligent, creative and productive White Race! So I reasoned. We should also remember that we still number some 500 million individuals, and outnumber the Jews by 30 to 1 . Why had no such religion ever come forward before now, I wondered. What a difference it would have made in the demographic history of the world if the Egyptians had had it, or the Greeks, or the Romans! Why hadn’t they? Was it perhaps too late now?

No, I decided, it wasn’t too late, if we get busy and do now what we should have done long ago. Yes, I decided, I would try to put such a racial religion together. Its basic goal would be the survival, expansion and advancement of the White Race alone and exclusively, barring all others. I would immediately start writing such a book. I felt I was already armed with a whole warehouse full of potent ideas upon which such a religion could be built, and new concepts kept flooding in.

Austin Davis at this time was still regularly attending Pastor Wes Augers Calvary Baptist Church, and considered himself a born-again Christian who would some day go to heaven. As I discussed all these newly discovered ideas with him, he tenaciously kept defending Christianity. After all, he argued, it was the White Man’s traditional and well-established religion. Maybe so, I countered, but it was invented by the Jews, rejected by them and foisted on the White Man, and look where they are today, and look where we are. I kept working on him.

Finally, one day as we were sitting in the bookstore drinking coffee, I asked him, do you really believe we should love our enemies, such as the Jews? That you should sell all thou hast and give it to the niggers? That you should turn the other cheek? Finally Austin broke down and answered honestly. No, I don’t. From that day on he was completely de-programmed from all that Christian garbage and became one of its most vociferous critics.

As I contemplated writing my book, I asked myself, what should be the basis of our beliefs? What could I trust and really believe in? When I was a kid I had been deceived about Santa Claus, but after all, that was only child’s play. I had also been snookered about our basic religion, Christianity, from early childhood, I now realized. That was not child’s play – it was a major and lasting deception. That I did not find so easy to forgive. I had been deceived by the John Birch Society as to what their real goals were. I had been duped by the Republican Party. I had been lied to by George Wallace. I had been deluded and let down by the members of the American Independent Party. In fact, ”our” government on the local, state and national level was one big fraud and swindle, manipulated by our most deadly enemies, the Jews.

I asked myself again and again, wasn’t there anything firm and real? Wasn’t there anything honest and unchanging that I could believe in and depend on? As I pondered the question, the answer came through, loud and clear – yes, there was! I could believe in the Eternal Laws of Nature. I could depend on her laws forever and a day. Having come to that conclusion, a number of other questions and answers rapidly emerged.

What did Nature have to tell us? The answer was much, and everything. One basic lesson Nature taught us was that every species first and foremost takes care of its own, in the face of all hostility and/or competition. Each species seeks to reproduce its own kind, expand its own numbers and territory, and at the same time advance itself genetically in order to better compete in the eternal struggle for survival. Also inherent in Nature’s laws was the principle of the segregation of the species. Each species mated only with its own particular species or sub-species. There was no interbreeding. Although bluebirds and cardinals might both be birds, they never interbreed. Although canvasback ducks and pintail ducks both belonged to the duck family, and even built nests around the same lake, they too never interbreed and mixed their genes. Nature forbade it. Any species that flouted those laws was ruthlessly punished with the ultimate penalty – extinction. I came to realize that all knowledge and wisdom was derived from a close observation of the Laws of Nature, and even though the lesser animals may not have as highly a developed intellect as man, nevertheless, Nature in her wisdom had imbued them with a highly developed instinct to perform in harmony with her laws. In taking care of their own they usually carried out those laws and their mission in life with a great deal more wisdom and efficiency than did man.

This brought up the question, how was mankind performing in accordance with these natural laws? Specifically, how was the White Race, Nature’s Finest and the pinnacle of her evolutionary process doing? When I asked that question in the framework of the last half of the present century, the answer came through loud and clear – we were performing dismally. We were doing far worse than the lowly mosquito, in fact. We were flagrantly flouting Nature’s most basic laws, all in the name of a treacherous Jewish religion. Would Nature also punish her Finest with extinction? The answer was a clear and unequivocal yes, we were definitely on our way to extinction unless we rapidly and drastically changed course.

During May and June of 1971 I haltingly started writing my book, stumbling as I went along. I hadn’t decided on a title as yet, but was contemplating on one of two options. I would either call it Nature’s Eternal Religion, or, The White Man’s Bible. I had not as yet conceived the proper name for our racial religion, nor the framework of our organization. But all that could come later. I was loaded for bear and first things first.

Thus were the words of Ben Klassen. And it is of course the situation in which he wrote Nature’s Eternal Religion, it was published on February 21st, that is the founding of the church as a matter of fact. It was published on february 21st 1973, that date marks what we call Founding Day for our beloved church. And later in 1981 he in fact published the White Man’s Bible, so in a sense of course, Ben Klassen chose both titles. Both of course perfect titles for two different books. The two, the first two of the three basic books of Creatvity. I believe very strongly that we have accomplished much the past several years, and Ben Klassen would be very proud if he were here today. He would be very proud in fact that you are listening to this program. When he was alive there was such a thing as the Internet. The Internet had not come into being. Ben Klassen died of course, or I shouldn’t say of course, but he died on August 8th of 1993 at the age of 75, so he didn’t live to see the Internet. Also, we have been of course much in the news, much on the newspapers, we’ve utilized the massmedia, we’ve used the massmedia to reach the masses. I belive he would have be very proud of this as well. I believe he would be very proud of the fact that we have had public meetings, that we have had many people come to those meetings, that we have organized people, that our books are being translated into many languages, that we have a website in which our message is in many language, whether it’s the slavic languages, or german, or french, or italian, we’re going to be translating our teachings into every White language that exists. Of course, there is much much more to be done. Ben Klassen gave us the tools. Now you and I must carry it forward. It is my mission in life to fulfill every single period of the works of Ben Klassen. I’m resolved to do this, I will do this, as always, I need your obedience, your loyalty, your ferver, as I lead us forward.

My Brothers and Sisters, we’re going to conclude this weeks program, just a little shorter than usual, but I think that saying anything more on this particular program is unnecessary. I want you to think instead about the words of Ben Klassen that I wrote, or read I should say to you. Certainly obtain your copy of Against The Evil Tide. Read this book, read especially Nature’s Eternal Religion. You can go to our website right now, right now if your listening to this on the Internet or listening to this of course if you’re listening to this on audio cassette, you can write us a line, drop us a line. Get Nature’s Eternal Religion. You can order it right off the web site. There’s a complete listening, should be anyway, complete listening of our various items that we have available. If you’ve not read Nature’s Eternal Religion – you’re missing out. And I recommend, as I think I might have said earlier on this program, I’m not sure off hand, that you read Against The Evil Tide, that you get a copy, celebrate Ben Klassen’s birthday by ordering his book – today. Order his book, he wrote this book so that you would read it. Many people has not read his autobiography. And I run across people all the time who has not read this book. Who have read many of the others, many Nature’s Eternal Religion, maybe The White Man’s Bible, maybe The Little White Book. Read also Against The Evil Tide. And share in the life of our great founder Ben Klassen.

Ben Klassen who, let me say this as well, Ben Klassen lived a very eventful life. A life in which he was employed in many different professions. He was at one time a hard-nickel minor for example, he was a teacher in a public school, he was an inventor, he invented the first electric can opener I might add, which of course sometimes the Jewmedia even reports that, and I’m surprised that in the sense that they do, because obviously that’s a very positive thing, when people open up cans they can thank Ben Klassen for it. Certainly he was an engineer by profession as well. Very highly skilled profession I might add. And that was in fact one of the inspirations for me to go to Law School, because I knew he was an engineer and that’s a highly technical trade and I thought that going to law school would be a very advanced position for myself. And so he has influenced me in so many ways. Certainly of course our religion is the ultimate influence upon all of us. But Ben Klassen’s style of writing I’ve always been fond of. The way he always was just, he just cut right to the chase, he said it very straight-forwardly, he didn’t indulge in a lot of theory, too much theory. I mean, certainly there is a place for theory, don’t get me wrong. But his adminition was such that everybody could understand. When you read the White Man’s Bible everyone can understand. Recently in fact, well, a few months ago in fact, I had an conversation with an avowed Christian at a local restaurant, and he invited to meet me after lunch there, and I met him for lunch. And he talked about how in his view of the White Man’s Bible was really crude. I had let him borrow a copy and I read a book of his in change about Chrisitianity, a lot of hocus-pocus. But in any case, he read the White Man’s Bible, and I think he actually did though I’m not certain about that. And he said well, this is really crude and vulgar. And I said to him: well, you know, I don’t think it’s vulgar, and I don’t think it’s crude. But it is straight to the point. He didn’t mince any words, and he recognized that if the masses are going to follow and embrace our religion of Creativity, they have to be able to understand it. They have to understand a faith if they’re going to believe in the faith. It’s as simple as that. And at least have a basic understanding of it. And just as Ben Klassen said, in the words that I’ve already recounted or brought forth to you. He said that our mission is the survival, expansion and advancement of the White Race and the White Race alone. It couldn’t be much more simple than that. It is simple. Sometimes the media asks me to explain what I mean by that, but really it’s practically self-explanatory. The survival, expansion – geographically – and advancement – genetically, of the White Race and the White Race alone.

I believe very strongly that the simplicity of Creativity is its beacon of success. We will be successful through your efforts, through organization, through leadership, through initiative, through responsibility, as well as simplicity. There is nothing confusing about Creativity. It’s straight to the point. Ben Klassen was a very pragmatic individual, in fact he used to praise the Romans, he praised the Romans in many of his books for that fact as well, that the Romans were pragmatic people. They were very industrious – they got to work! And that’s what you and I have to do. So on this, the 82nd birthday of Ben Klassen, Ben Klassen has been gone from us for, or actually 84th birthday, what am I saying? I’ve been saying 82nd birthday – 84th birthday of Ben Klassen. Let us remember his works. Let us remember the man. Let us fulfill his mission, the mission or the desire to save a place in the sun for White people. There’s nothing more important. There’s nothing more necessary. There’s more beautiful than preserving Nature’s finest – the White Race. Write us today, our address PO Box 2002, East Peoria, Illinois 61661. Certainly e-mail me: Obtain your copy of the holy books of Creativity today. Distribute them, spread the teachings, do your damndest for this cause, and together we will win this racial holy war! RAHOWA!


